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Every Week day (term time)

The sessions we currently offer are:-

8am-9am - Breakfast Club 

For children attending Upwood Primary School plus eight pre-school places for 3 year olds allocated on a first come first served basis.

9am- 3.30pm - Pre-School 

Flexible sessions can be booked within these hours, on a termly basis. Please note that we close for planning and record keeping between 1pm and 3.30pm on Friday afternoons. Children attending between 12pm-1pm can either bring a packed lunch or book a hot dinner. 

3.30pm - 5.30pm - After School Club 

For children attending Upwood Primary School plus eight pre-school places for 3 year olds that are allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Stay and Play - Friday afternoons, term time only, 1.45pm - 2.45pm.
'Stay and Play' is a great way for families to meet each other and have a change of scene and activities. They are more flexible than the pre-school sessions - there is no expectation that parents/carers attend every week or get there for the start time. Our aim is to provide a relaxing way for parents/carers to chat together, while their children play with other 

children. A different member of staff will be present in the session each week to offer an opportunity for parents/carers to ask any questions or to learn about how they can support their children’s learning through everyday activities.

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